Why use an assessment?

Bob’s previous employer took advantage of him by requiring extra hours and responsibilities not originally discussed within his job description. Bob put up with it for as long as he could, not saying anything because he was taught to not be disrespectful to authorities. Until one day he had had enough and just up and quit. When Bob’s new employer asked why he had left his previous position Bob explained all the reasons why he had felt taken advantage of and how he had put up with it as long as he was able to, not wanting to cause waves in the organization. All of this sounded very reasonable to his new employer and he promised to never ask more of Bob than what was agreed upon. One of Bob’s agreed upon responsibilities is to take potential clients out and entertain them. Mostly Bob enjoys this, but there is one client in particular that he can’t stand, and he is frequently in town. Bob doesn’t mention his disgust with his boss because, after all, it’s his job and he doesn’t want to cause waves. Then the client moves to town and Bob is required to spend more and more time with him, until, one day, Bob just up and quits.

Most people, when asked a question concerning their behavior, will answer based on how they saw the facts of a situation, giving the impression that if the context was different they would have behaved differently. But the truth is, we all tend to have behavior patterns that we repeat in similar situations despite the context based on our personality traits. Wouldn’t it had have been nice for Bob’s new employer to know that Bob had a pattern of doing what he was told, even if he didn’t like it, until he just snapped and left? Maybe they could have worked out the struggles long before Bob left, or maybe he would have chosen to not hire Bob in the first place.

What if you could have his insight before you hired or promoted someone? How much would that knowledge be worth to you?

Knowing the personality patterns that people display, even patterns they are unaware of, can save an employer thousands in hiring, placement, and development. Hogan Assessments is the Gold Standard in predicting job performance based on personality patterns.

View a sample of the assessment results and the insights that can be attained